Quantum Matter Academy

The Quantum Matter Academy (QMA) takes care of all cluster related academic teaching and personnel development measures concerning early career researchers at all stages within our cluster of excellence.  Most importantly, the QMA intends to foster a cluster-wide common spirit among the PhD students and postdocs, with the central goal to build bridges between research groups and, therefore, between Würzburg and Dresden. Regular meetings such as the annual QMA retreat or the Cluster retreat are intended to give young scientists the opportunity to network.

Below you find an overview of the offers that you can take advantage of/participate in as a QMA member



If you have any questions regarding the mentioned offers or the QMA in general, please do not hesitate to contact our QMA coordinators Kerstin Brankatschk at TU Dresden or Katharina Klug at JMU Würzburg.


QMA Representatives

Our early career researchers are an important part of the cluster. Their interests are represented in the committees by the QMA representatives, who are elected every two years.

The election of these representatives are held during the QMA retreats with the latest QMA reprentatives being elected in Leipzig 2023.


Jakob Lindenthal

Steering Committee

I am a PhD student in the group of Karl Leo and Johannes Benduhn. My research is grouped around the field of topological photonics. I investigate different types of semiconductor laser devices, photonic microcavities and photonic lattices. As a special interest, I investigate photonic transport and topology-controlled light-matter interaction.


Anja Wenger

Steering Committee

David Moser

Flex Fund Selection Committee

I am a PhD student supervised by Dr. Lukas Janssen and part of the Emmy Noether group for Quantum Critical Matter. I am interested in exotic phases of matter and their phase transitions, in particularly those beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm. I enjoy working with renormalization group techniques and field theoretical approaches in general.


Maximilian Ünzelmann

FlexFund Selection Committee

I am a junior group leader at the chair of Friedel Reinert (EP7) at JMU Würzburg. My research focuses on the experimental investigation of quantum matter, including various kinds of quantum materials, right at the heart of ct.qmat's research focus. In particular, I am using photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) combined with dichroism and spin resolution to study the electronic band structure of condensed matter, surfaces, and interfaces.

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