If you want to further your education in the areas of personal development or you are looking for advice, financing possibilities, you are welcome to use the already existing offers at the respective university. If you would like to take part in workshops, which are not offered by the universities please contact Kerstin Brankatschk. Courses can also be financially supported by the cluster.
Doctoral Researchers
Dresden: Graduate Academy
Condition of Participation: Membership, as a member service is free of charge, to become a full member you need a contract with TU Dresden. An associated membership is possible for doctoral candidates in doctoral programs jointly admistred with the TU Dresden such as the QMA.
Offer: Advice, Funding, Qualification
Skills for Scientific Research
Professional in Science / Research Management
Leadership and Management Skills
Würzburg: JMU Research Academy
Condition of Participation: Each PhD student at JMU can join the workshops, counseling,…
Offer: Accompaniment and counseling, Fields of competence
Social & leadership competence
Dresden: Graduate Academy & Postdoc Center Dresden (HZDR/TUD)
Condition of Participation: Membership, as a member service is free of charge, to become a member you need a contract with TU Dresden or HZDR.
Offer: Information and further training opportunies in the areas of Academia, Business and Science Management
Current Program:
Skills for Scientific Research
Professional in Science / Research Management
Leadership and Management Skills
Dresden: Center for Continuing Education
Condition of Participation: Contract with TU Dresden
Offer: Continuing Education for teaching staff at TU Dresden, Program „Successful Leadership at TUD“
Würzburg: JMU Research Academy
Condition of Participation: All Scientist at JMU can join the workshops, counseling,…
Current workshop program: