Majorana edge modes in topological superconductors

Date & Facts

13 Jan 2020
05:15 pm – 06:15 pm

Hörsaal P


Two-dimensional superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry have been predicted to support topologically protected chiral edge states, providing a superconducting counterpart to the quantum Hall effect in semiconductors. The edge states carry charge-neutral quasiparticles, coherent superpositions of electrons and holes referred to as "Majorana fermions". We present an overview of electrical and thermal probes of the superconducting edge states, focusing on unique signatures of their Majorana nature and on applications for topological quantum computation.In particular, we show how topological qubits can be braided by injecting them into the conducting edge of a superconductor.

Prof. Carlo Beenakker is a world-wide known expert in quantum transport on graphene and topological materials, and is a leading expert in bridging between theory and experiment
and proposing different schemes to find Majorana edge modes!

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