QMA Bridge Dresden 2025

Date & Facts

1618 Jan 2025


TU Dresden


Important Dates


Start of Registration Dec 03  
Closing of Registration Jan 4  
QMA Bridge Jan 16-18  


Travel Information & Registration

There will be bus transportation organized from Würzburg to Dresden.


Bus leaving times will be:

Thursday, 16th Jan 8:00 am from Würzburg, Am Hubland

Saturday, 18th Jan 10:00 am from Dresden, Lukasplatz


Please be there 15 minutes before the bus is leaving.


Registration information

  • Registration is free, please see registration form below. For participants from Würzburg the hotel "Gästehaus am Weberplatz" is booked.
  • Dresden people are also invited to join. Please register and indicate if you want to participate in lab tours, the KittyQ Escape Room, the social event on Thursday, or the exhibition opening RETHINKING PHYSICSat the Kulturpalast Dresden.
  • Lab tours and the theory talk can be booked later.



Please find a preliminary programm here.


Lab Tours

  • HDZR:
    The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), an institute of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf (HZDR) and founding partner of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL), is one of the few user facilities for research at highest magnetic fields worldwide. It is the only facility of its kind in Germany. The lab tour will provide insights into the research topics, measurement and magnet technology as well as the HLD's pulsed current capacitor bank.
  • Dufouleur (IFW): Quantum quantum transport lab tour
    Labs dedicated to quantum transport measurements at the IFW will be shown. The set-up are dedicated to very low temperature measurements (dilution fridges, ³He refrigerator, VTI, etc …) and measurement under magnetic field (vector fields, rotators, etc…).
  • Chandra (MPI-CPfS): Exploring Single Crystal Synthesis Facilities at MPI CPfS
    The tour will provide an overview of the single crystal synthesis labs at MPI CPfS, showcasing equipment such as high-temperature muffle furnaces, CVT setups, Czochralski, Bridgman, laser floating zone, and high-temperature centrifuge systems, along with essential vacuum sealing techniques. It will also highlight the advanced capabilities of the FIB and methods for characterizing single crystals.
  • Ruck (TUD): Materials Design and Synthesis Tour
    The tour includes a visit to the different solid state synthesis lab (with a demonstration of glass ampoule sealing), the X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy labs.
  • Geck (TUD): X-ray facilities at the IFMP
    At IFMP, we operate two versatile X-ray facilities that offer exceptional resolution and sensitivity. During the visit, we will introduce the capabilities of these facilities, the available sample environments and visit our high-pressure laboratory.
  • Chernikov (TUD): tba
  • Leo (TUD):
    Neuromorphic computing preparation lab with Hans Kleemann - showing the fabrication of hardware neural networks, possibly live demonstration of network growth.
  • Wolter-Giraud (IFW): Thermodynamic insight - probing new quantum materials in a multifaceted approach

    Visit our thermodynamics lab where we explore magnetism, superconductivity, and other fascinating phenomena in emergent materials in a broad parameter space (down to mK temperatures, high magnetic fields and high pressure).



  • J. Budich (TUD/ITP): "Topological Insulators: a New Periodic Table For Physics"



Fabian Köhler

Jakob Lindenthal

Kerstin Brankatschk


To improve contact between Würzburg and Dresden and simplify the possibility of new collaborations, there is the QMA Bridge.
Bridge stands for:
Building Reflecting Inspiring Developing Generating Exchanging
This is also the intention of our short exchange program. It will take place once a semester and alternate between Würzburg and Dresden. The focus is on lab tours and insights into theory, but also on getting to know colleagues and the city in which they live and work.


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