Events - Archiv


(1 Event)

GHN colloquium with Dr. Veronika Sunko (UC Berkeley)

The GHN Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete Hermann Network (GHN) - a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


(10 Events)

GHN colloquium with Dr. Maia Vergniory (MPI CPfS)

The GHN Colloquium talk series features the female scientists of the Grete Hermann Network (GHN) - a newly founded international network of female researchers in condensed matter physics and neighboring research areas to give a lecture on their research and current projects, as well as about their career paths.


Second Fall School "Topological Quantum Matter"

We will meet in Leipzig directly after the fourth QMA retreat and learn more about complexity and topology in quantum matter.


Fourth QMA Retreat (Leipzig)

In Leipzig we will meet and talk about your projects.


Kitty Q gaming lounge at Technische Sammlungen Dresden street festival

Dive into the extraordinary quantum universe at the Kitty Q gaming lounge and solve puzzles rooted in mind-bending quantum phenomena! The gaming lounge will be taking place as part of the “Turmfest.Striesen.Draußen” street festival organized by the Technische Sammlungen Dresden.


Grete Hermann Network Workshop

At the heart of the Grete Hermann Network's mission is the goal to promote excellent female-led research and support the recruitment and careers of female scientists. In this spirit, we invite you to join a diverse audience of condensed matter physicists (male and female) with broad research interests and of all career levels for a three-day workshop at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.


International Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW) 2023

Researchers and industry professionals alike will meet in Würzburg for a 10-day immersive workshop covering a diverse range of topics in the areas of nanomaterials, optoelectronics and photonics.


Kitty Q Gaming Lounge #LNDWDD

Dive into the quantum universe with our mobile game Kitty Q at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden! We’ve got iPads at the stand you can use. And you might even bump into the game’s creator!


Nitrogen ice cream with chocolate sauce #LNDWDD

A dish served ultra-cold at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden! Every quarter of an hour, the physics student council of the Technische Universität Dresden will be making Neumann’s yogurt ice cream with liquid nitrogen. This will briefly take the temperature of the ice cream down to minus 196 degrees Celsius!


Science under the sign of the donut #LNDWDD

Ever wondered what tomorrow’s computers will be made of? Or what hurricanes and donuts could possibly have to do with quantum physics? Get ready to have your mind blown by the researchers from ct.qmat at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden.


Cluster Retreat 2023 (Bayreuth)

The Cluster Retreat 2023 takes place as an in-person event at the ARVENA Kongress Hotel Bayreuth from 20 to 22 March 2023.


(1 Event)

Women's Leadership Development: unconscious bias, public speaking, and body language

Successful talks and communication are the result of comprehensible speaking, a convincing voice, clear expression, and appropriate body language. In this exclusive career development workshop for female early career researchers, the participants will learn how to convincingly present their ideas.

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