
  • Elektronenmikroskopieultrareinesmetall-Header

    11 Jun 2020

    'Wow' research: Quantum physics observed in ultrapure metals

    As part of an international collaboration, the group of Andrew Mackenzie have discovered manifestations of macroscopic quantum physics in ultrapure metals. These results have just been published in Science Magazine.

  • Zeitgeist-Header-Neu

    18 May 2020

    Superconductors with ‘zeitgeist’: When materials differentiate between the past and the future

    Physicists of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have discovered spontaneous static magnetic fields with broken time-reversal symmetry in a class of iron-based superconductors. This exceptional property calls for new theoretical models and may become important in quantum computing. The research results have recently been published in the scientific journal Nature Physics.

  • Funnelv1

    27 Mar 2020

    A funnel of light

    The group of Professor Ronny Thomale at the University of Würzburg, in joint collaboration with the experimental optics group of Professor Alexander Szameit in Rostock, has developed a light funnel system which might inspire new generations of hypersensitive optical detectors and sensors for future information and communication technologies. Their results have just been published in Science magazine.

  • Initalization-Readout-Spin

    02 Mar 2020

    Initialization and read-out of intrinsic spin defects in a van der Waals crystal at room temperature

    The Dyakonov group observed spin centers for the first time experimentally in 2D-materials. As decribed in Nature Materials, they have potential as possible roomtemperature qbits.

  • Prof-A-Szameit-Mit-Urkunden-Tomassoni-Preis-W1680

    30 Jan 2020

    Renowned Tomassoni prize for Alexander Szameit

    For his groundbreaking research in different areas of fundamental research our associate Alexander Szameit from Rostock University reveives the "Tomassoni Prize" of the Sapienza University Rome.

  • Posterpreis

    26 Oct 2019

    Poster prize for Philipp Schütz

    Philipp Schütz wins the poster prize at the "International Workshop on Oxide Electronics" in Kyoto, Japan.

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